Christopher Columbus discovered or rediscovered America and the W. Indies
Vasco Nunez de Balboa discovered The Pacific Ocean
Sir Humphrey Gilbert discovered Newfoundland
Vasco Da Gama discovered The sea route to India 1498
Sebastian Cabot discovered Labrador in 1497
Captain James Cook discovered The Sandwich Isles
Henry, the Navigator discovered Madeira and the Azores
Sir Francis Drake first Englishman to sail around the world 1577-1580
William Baffin discovered Baffin Bay
Sir Martin Frobisher discovered Frobisher’s Strait
Matthew Flinders discovered Bass Strait
Vitus Bering discovered Bering’s Strait
John Davis discovered Davis Strait
Sir Samuel White Baker discovered Lake Albert in 1864
Marco Polo made explorations in China, India and the East.
Captain Roald Amundsen reached the South Pole in 1912; flew over the North Pole
in 1926
Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd flew over the North Pole in 1926 flew over the South Pole in 1929
Rear Admiral Robert Edwin Peary succeeded in reaching the North Pole on 6 April, 1909
Captain Robert Scott reached the South Pole, 18 January, 1912,
David Livingstone explored a great deal of Central Africa between 1849 and 1873
Sir Henry Morton Stanley explored Central Africa between 1871 and 1889
Mungo Park explored the River Niger 1791-1806
Jacques Cartier explored a great deal of Canada, especially the Gulf of St.Lawerence and the river St. Lawerence
Charles Goodyear discovered the art of vulcanizing rubber
Professor Pierre Curie and Madame Curie joint discovers of Raduim, a substance used in the cure of cancer
Edward Jenner discovered vaccination
Lord Lister discovered antiseptic treatment
Robert Koch discovered the bacillus of tuberculosis
William Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood
Louis Pasteur discovered the science of bacteria, i.e. the germ theory of diseases
Professor Wilhem Konrad Rontgen discovered Rontagen ray (X-rays)
Sir James Young Simpson discovered the use of chloroform as an anesthetic
William Hyde Wollaston discovered ultra-violet rays
Joseph Priestley discovered oxygen
Sir William Ramsay discovered argon gas and helium
Sir Ronald Ross discovered the cause of malaria
Sir Patrick Manson discovered that the malarial parasite was transmitted by the anopheles mosquito
Sir Aldo Castellani discovered the cause of sleeping sickness
Sir Issac Newton discovered the law of gravitation
Henry Cavendish discovered the composition of water; he also discovered hydrogen
Francis Appert discovered how to preserve animal and vegetable food by enclosing them in hermetically sealed tins or cans
Archimedes discovered specific gravity and the principles of the lever
Bernard Pallisy discovered the art of producing white enamel
Sir Rowland Hill introduced the penny postal system
William Herschell discovered the planet Uranus
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin